About Zava
Zava provides energy healing as a therapy and way of life to people in the UK and around the world. Coming from an ancestral line of renowned healers, she has passionately continued the family’s practice for over a decade.
Zava studied healing with the Kent International Healing Association (KIHA) and qualified in 2006. She has provided healing at the London Buddhist Vihara and for staff members at the BUPA Cromwell Hospital. Zava’s practice is based in Buckinghamshire and offers distance healing for those further away.
Energy HealingEnergy healing is a soft therapy, distinguished from other therapies and practices by being non-invasive. No medicines or drugs are given, it seeks the wholeness of the patient by bringing the mind and body into harmony and releasing its inbuilt curative powers.
Healing recognises the source of energy to be universal, working in and through those who channel it. It is complementary to other therapy’s helping you to realise that very often, health or illness is influenced by the mind. Guilt complexes, resentments, fears, grievances, and other harmful emotions can be the cause of ill health. Healing is completely natural and can be given for a number of reasons, including; stress, anxiety, bereavement, depression, phobias, taking exams, migraine, pre and post-operative patients, and many more.
“After a session of Energy Healing with Zava, I always leave feeling re-energised, relaxed and back on track. She helps me come back to my real self where I feel comfortable and more able to heal myself” ~ Jane.
The body is designed to heal itself, but sometimes its own healing ability is overwhelmed by stress, illness, accident, depression or ageing. Energy healing can direct energy to re-vitalise afflicted conditions. This can be achieved in person (contact healing) or through energy direction (distance healing).
Each session will start with a short consultation regarding you concerns and expectations. You will then be guided through the healing process as you lie comfortably with your eyes closed. With distant healing, you should be in a comfortable position and preferably in a quiet room. The Therapy session usually lasts for about 40 minutes and the healing itself about 20 minutes. Each experience is different and at the end of every session your reaction and progress will be assessed.
The First session usually lasts for about 45 Minutes and costs £40. A follow up session if required is £35
How will I feel?Some patients feel warmth or coolness as the healing process is activated. Treatment may promote a sense of peace and relaxation, helping to reduce stress and tension, allowing the body space and time to begin the self-healing process. It is not unusual to feel tired at first followed by increased energy the next day. An open mind and positive attitude will help the healing process.
Distance HealingDistance healing is when the healer is not in the presence of the recipient. By attunement and visualization the healer seeks to promote self-healing and the well-being of the recipient.
The First session usually lasts for about 20 Minutes and costs £25. A follow up session if required is £20